BLACKLIGHT Choreography for Ultraviolet Laser Light on Photosensitive Surface In BLACKLIGHT the UV part of Laser light paints evolving worlds on a custom-made photosensitive canvas. In contrast with the frenetic but precise laser movements, structures with minute details slowly emerge resembling cities, forests, alien architectures. […]
All posts filed under “Audiovisual”

In occasion of the 125th anniversary of M.C.Escher’s birth the Municipality of Den Haag (The Netherlands) has commissioned me to produce an original work inspired by the great Dutch artist. In BLACKLIGHT X six laser projectors are used to paint on 300m2 surface made of […]

e//missions (2020-ongoing)
Laser interventions in the Nature Introduction My work involves repurposing found analogue devices to investigate the connections between light and sound in the form of installations and performances. I repair and modify tools from our past to expose the public to the unique qualities of […]

LaserDrawing (2014)
Listen to the Light and See the Sound The sound from a modular synthesizer controls laser light to create curvy shapes with vivid colors. LaserDrawing is a completely analog audiovisual improvisation that binds sound and light in a unique synaesthetic experience for the audience. Visual […]

INspirals (2021)
Performance for Laser light and CRT Monitor Inspirals is the name that astrophysics gives to binary stars that loose energy and spiral in towards each other melting into one. In a similar way, for this live performance I have developed a novel technique to fuse […]

Celestial Harmonies (2019)
Contemplative Installation for hybrid analog-digital audiovisual device They call it “Media Archaeology”: brushing off the dust from old tools from a civilisation that hastily jumped into the digital world and left behind forgotten ghosts. In Celestial Harmonies I have hacked a Vectrex (a game console […]

To continue my ongoing explorations into Media Archaeology I modified a discarded little CRT screen, destined to trash and probably pollution and transformed it into an artistic tool on which I can draw shapes using sound signals. In the fashion of Visual Music, I can […]

The project started during the first Italian lockdown out of boredom and as an attempt to entertain sick or depressed citizens from their balconies in the city. Trieste sits on hills and I was living on the top floor of a tall building so it […]

For Laser and Particle Decay Trajectories The piece has been created from recorded signals of particle detectors from different locations in Europe. Particle trajectories have been translated into XY signals and manipulated in real-time to generate more complex shapes. The signals simultaneously drive the deflection […]

All images hereunder have been produced by rapidly moving the single dot of the green beam of an Tektronik 620 analog monitor. The dot is moved horizontally and vertically using the sound you hear. Following different parametric equations, the sound signals are shaped so that […]

Electron Beam deflected by Sound These works are intended as a tribute and continuation of the work by Woody and Steina Vasulka. Thanks to the recent digital advancements, I aim at extending the pioneering work of the Vasulaksby researching new approaches to Scan Processing. I […]

Active Prismatic Listening
Manipulate and visualise acoustics / A collaborative installation with Bob Hoffnar and Max Lorenzen A space is filled with a series of slowly evolving standing sound waves, creating a relaxing and minimal sound bath. With this minimal sound scape it becomes quickly apparent how the […]

Share your thoughts with light In LaserWriting the audience receives a powerful tool to express themselves: light. Controlling a single laser beam by moving a finger on a reactive surface, the audience creativity is empowered with the ability to leave a bright trace on a […]

Experimental Taxonomy of NAND seeds Vol. I, II and III (2020)
Blue beam of a Vectrex modified game-console monitor displaced by sound signals Triptych inspired by Aldo Tambellini’s work, using bit operations on noise signals in polar coordinates. Screened in various festivals of Experimental Animation and Expanded Cinema worldwide.

(un)focussed (2016)
Synchronising the brain signals of two performers with the Audience’s (un)focussed is a live EEG experience, in which we try to “tune” the minds of all audience in the room and the performers to the same mental state by using a flickering light at 10Hz. […]

Brain Pong (2015)
Ping-pong match for two human brains Reinterpretation of the iconic Arcade game through modern digital brain computer interfaces so that each participant can develop and experience their “virtual telekinetic” powers. Brain Pong is the second work of a tryptic directed towards the analysis and display […]

Concert for human brain and Pac-man game environment This piece explores the fragmentation of personality of the “post-modern man”. Exposed to aggressive stimulation and overwhelming data streams, he must make important choices to follow a rational “mind path” while his time quickly runs out. The […]